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Box Information
How can I find out the box contents?
We post box contents on the website every Friday. We also email every week telling you what’s on the way, so you can check whether you’d like to stick with your chosen box, swap to another, or add any extras. We try very hard to stick to the planned contents, but the unpredictability of nature means that we must occasionally make last-minute changes.
Why did my veg box contain something different to the list I saw when I ordered?
Every week, we list what we’re planning to put in all our veg boxes for the next week, to help you choose which to order. We try our very best to deliver what we’ve planned – but with fresh organic produce, sometimes things can change at the last moment. Bad weather, crop damage; lots of things can mean that we sometimes have to swap an item from your box.
Wherever possible, we try to choose a fruit or veg that can play a similar role in your kitchen to the one replaced (a salad veg for a salad veg, for example). We also alert you to the swap in your box – either on a little note of its own, or highlighted on the list of veg attached to your farm newsletter, depending on the box.
If you’re not happy with an item that’s been swapped in your box, please do get in touch with our team at the farm and let us know.
How long is the shelf life on your food?
Almost everything has a minimum of 5 days’ shelf life, but it depends on the product and how we’ve packaged it. Everything comes labelled with a use-by date for you to follow. We also recommend you freeze any meat you won’t be eating within a couple of days, especially mince, sausages, and burgers. It will stay very tender and flavourful after defrosting.